Thursday, January 31, 2013

Getting Started

Several weeks ago my cousin's wife invited me to a class on cleaning your house with essential oils and homemade cleaners.  This was particularly well timed, as I had recently been handing my small children spray bottles filled with a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water, and had been wanting to make my own laundry soap for months.  I liked being able to give my kids something non-toxic to clean with (otherwise they would surely be spraying each other in the face with windex, etc.) but I am pretty sure no one loves the smell of vinegar.  At the class (party) she gave us some different ideas on how to clean and make it smell delicious.  Not only that, but apparently different essential oils are anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, etc. etc.  Who knew?  Not me, but I considered it a great bonus, as I was really just looking for something to make my laundry and cleaners smell better.

That day I only bought lavender, but I left the class with the idea of essential oils stuck in my head.  I started thinking about all the ways I could use them, and scoured the internet for more uses and more information.  I won't lie, I was becoming kind of obsessed.  Shortly thereafter I signed up to sell oils, admittedly only to get the sweet discount.  But now that I am finding a lot of awesome uses and resources I wanted to put something out there for others.

I am kind of a skeptic when it comes to magical potions and solutions, as are most people.  Yesterday I got a hold of a book about the properties of most of the essential oils, and their potential uses and benefits.  I pretty much devoured the entire thing, and came out feeling hopeful.  Now I don't pretend that I think essential oils will cure every last thing or even help every person, but I do think they have some great value.  This blog will be dedicated to things I have actually tried and seen work, recipes I have actually used and like, and maybe a few stories about how I use my family for guinea pigs.


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